The Difference Between Water Bath and Pressure Canning

The Difference Between Water Bath and Pressure Canning

There are two types of canning methods, water bath canning, and pressure canning. Both are safe food preservation methods but vary based on one very important factor: the pH of the food. Here you will learn the difference between the two methods and when to use one or the other.  There’s nothing better than seeing…

Asparagus with Eggs Recipe Ideas: 5 Easy Breakfasts!  

Asparagus with Eggs Recipe Ideas: 5 Easy Breakfasts!  

Five asparagus breakfast ideas combining fresh asparagus and eggs. A great way to use asparagus during the spring season!  Asparagus is one of the first crops to harvest in spring, but the season is short (and asparagus doesn’t preserve well) so be sure to get your fill of this tender stalk while it’s still in…

How to meal prep chicken: easy meals in minutes 

How to meal prep chicken: easy meals in minutes 

Learn about methods of meal-prepping chicken that is beyond just using chicken breasts! Get a simple, nourishing meal on the table in the easiest way possible with these three meal prep hacks!  Nearly all top-ranking blog posts will suggest meal prepping with boneless skinless chicken breasts. While those are a great way to do some meal…

Best time of year to raise broiler chickens for meat

Best time of year to raise broiler chickens for meat

It’s time to start planning for the spring garden, place your chick order(s) and dream about summer days! While it may seem common sense to some, raising your own meat chickens actually has a prime time to raise chickens to have a successful batch of meat in your freezer! Most people who are interested in…