Tips and Supplies for Home Canning and Preserving

Tips and Supplies for Home Canning and Preserving

Tips and Supplies for Home Canning and Preserving Learn the best tips and supplies for home canners, including how to make canning easier and more efficient, the best canning practices to follow, and what canning supplies you will need to fill your shelves with homemade canned goods.  Canning and preserving your own food takes some…

The Difference Between Water Bath and Pressure Canning

The Difference Between Water Bath and Pressure Canning

There are two types of canning methods, water bath canning, and pressure canning. Both are safe food preservation methods but vary based on one very important factor: the pH of the food. Here you will learn the difference between the two methods and when to use one or the other.  There’s nothing better than seeing…

Best Canning Books for Beginners Home Preserving 2024 

Best Canning Books for Beginners Home Preserving 2024 

There’s nothing better than a bookshelf full of books that actually get used! In this post, you’ll find the most recommended and safe canning books that need to be on your wish list for 2024! All of these books are research based, and owned by us– as well as used often! With color photographs and…

Using canned roast beef: 10 recipe ideas to make meals quick!  

Using canned roast beef: 10 recipe ideas to make meals quick!  

Canned beef may not be the most appetizing jar on your pantry shelves, but rest assured– canned beef is the most essential quick protein in the pantry! While sticking a roast in your crock pot in the morning and coming home to a warm dinner is a wonderful way to eat from home, sometimes the…

Homemade Rhubarb BBQ Sauce- With Recipe for Canning

Homemade Rhubarb BBQ Sauce- With Recipe for Canning

This Victorian  Barbecue sauce made with rhubarb is a delicious, fresh tasting sauce made with the earliest spring crop- rhubarb! Adding this fruity sauce to grilled meat is a sure staple on your dinner table! It’s the perfect condiment to freeze or can to enjoy when the rhubarb season is over. Rhubarb is well-loved in…