Fast and delicious bulk batch meatballs

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This meatball recipe is easy to scale up or down. They can be eaten right away, frozen or even pressure canned! Cooking meat in bulk makes those busy nights easy with a premade option that’s homemade! Our links to Amazon earn our family a commission, but we only share products we love!

Close up of Meatballs with Basil.


  • 10 pounds ground meat*
  • 2 tablespoons Italian seasoning
  • 2 tablespoons garlic powder
  • 2 tablespoons onion powder
  • 2 teaspoons pepper

* if canning it is not safe to can ground turkey or chicken

We often have seasonings available at Farmer’s Market or for farm pickup. Our next best pick is Azure Standard! Using our link to shop provides us both a discount.


Once you’ve decided how to store your meatballs you would need supplies to can or freeze!

This pressure canner is a great one!

How to make bulk meat balls

  1. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Ensure it is all well mixed
  2. Use the 1 tablespoon cookie scoop to make meatballs and place them on parchment paper or the baking rack
  3. Bake at 350 for thirty minutes
  4. If you used parchment, tilt the pan so grease runs off of bottom
  5. Decide to eat, freeze or can! We always time it out to eat lunch and can the rest.

Eating, Freezing or Canning instructions

We usually eat one meals worth and then freeze or can the meatballs. Flash freeze them on the cookie sheet and then throw them in a freezer bag. Flash freezing makes it so they don’t stick together.

Meatballs can safely be pressure canned, and this YouTube follows an approved recipe. We personally love this! To prepare, drain the liquid (save for gravy) and fry in the skillet a bit before adding sauce.

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